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Circulatory System in Human Beings

The circulatory system plays very important role in life process of an organism. It is well developed in higher animals like Birds, Reptiles, Mamalas etc. The nutrients from small intestines and oxygen from lungs both are the responsible of circulatory system to reach them each and every cell of the body.

Constituents of circulatory system in Human beings
1. Blood:- Blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.Blood is composed of Blood cells( Red blood cells and White blood cells) and Plasma. Red blood cells contain Hemoglobin, which is red in colour that is Red blood cell are red in colour it carries oxygen from lungs to cells and carbon dioxide from cell to lungs. Blood runs through veins and arteries in the body.

2.Blood vessels/ Veins and arteries:- These are the channels which runs through out the body. ( we will discuss later the difference between veins and arteries.

3.Heart:- It is pear shaped, fest sized muscular pumping organ. It pumps the blood.It is located between the two lungs.Human Beings have four chambered heart.

structure of heart and working:- Human Heart has four chambers, two Auricles and Two ventricles separated by a thin valve.The upper two chambers are known as auricles i.e left atrium and left atrium and lower to chambers are ventricles i.e left and right ventricle.The left ventricle is strongest chamber .  
superior vena cava collects blood from the upper side of the body and inferior vena cava from lower body into right atrium blood is de-oxygenated i.e is with out oxygen but contains carbon dioxide.This blood is than pumped into right ventricle and than pumped to lungs through Pulmonary atrium. Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from lungs through Pulmonary vein. Than this blood is pumped into left ventricle(strongest chamber).Which pumps this blood to whole body through Aorta.

This type of circulatory system is known as double circulatory system as the blood enters twice into the heart

Difference between Arteries and Veins.
The blood vessels which carry blood from heart to the body are known as Arteries and the blood vessels which carry blood from body to heart are called veins. All arteries except Pulmonary artery carry oxygenated blood like wise all the veins except Pulmonary vein carry de-oxygenated blood.


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