As the Human Beings show Holozoic mode of nutrition , theres is a system in Human Beings which Digests this food into the simple molecules called Gollucose.
Digestion:-The process in which an organism breaks complex food molecules into simpler once for respiration is called digestion.
Q.1 what is need to Digest food?
As the food is in complex form , body cells cannot use it directly so there is a need to change its form from complex to simple one.
Digestion in Human Beings
Digestion In Human Beings starts from mouth.The cavity inside the mouth is called as Buccal cavity.Buccal cavity contains Teeth and Tongue.In mouth food is broken into small pieces with the help of Teeth and is mixed with saliva secreated by Salivary gland. Saliva contains digestive enzymes called as Salivary Amilase (Ptylin).These enzymes digest food to some extend.Tongue in a mouth helps in mixing food with saliva and is also percieves the taste of the food.
The food than enters into the stomuch, a mascular bag like structure through food pipe or oesophagous.In the stomuch many types of digestive juices are added to food, An HCl in stomuch helps in break down of food further.HCl in stomuch is screated by oxyntic cells or peptic cells.
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As the Human Beings show Holozoic mode of nutrition , theres is a system in Human Beings which Digests this food into the simple molecules called Gollucose.
Digestion:-The process in which an organism breaks complex food molecules into simpler once for respiration is called digestion.
Q.1 what is need to Digest food?
As the food is in complex form , body cells cannot use it directly so there is a need to change its form from complex to simple one.
Digestion in Human Beings
Digestion In Human Beings starts from mouth.The cavity inside the mouth is called as Buccal cavity.Buccal cavity contains Teeth and Tongue.In mouth food is broken into small pieces with the help of Teeth and is mixed with saliva secreated by Salivary gland. Saliva contains digestive enzymes called as Salivary Amilase (Ptylin).These enzymes digest food to some extend.Tongue in a mouth helps in mixing food with saliva and is also percieves the taste of the food.
The food than enters into the stomuch, a mascular bag like structure through food pipe or oesophagous.In the stomuch many types of digestive juices are added to food, An HCl in stomuch helps in break down of food further.HCl in stomuch is screated by oxyntic cells or peptic cells.
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