2. Hetereotrophic mode of nutrition:- In this mode of nutrition organisms obtain their food from other organisms. These organisms are totaly dependent on other organisms for food. e.g Animals,Human beings, Fungi
It has following sub types
1. Holozoic nutrition:- In this mode of nutrition an organism englough food and than digest it inside the body. e.g human being , Bird
2.Saprophytic Nutrition:- In this mode of nutrition organisms obtain their food from dead and decaying organic matter. These organisms grow on dead organic matter and screate digestive enzymes on the organic matter to digest it and than absorb the digested food. e.g Fungi (Mushrooms, bread moulds)
3.Paracitic mode of nutrition:-In this mode of nutrition organism takes the digested food of other organism by living on it. E.g Ascaris, E.coli, Tap worm , liver flukes ,lice etc . The organisms showing this type of nutrition are called as Paracites and the organism on which paracite lives is called as Host.
Paracites are of two types
●Exo-paracites:-The paracites which lives outside on the body of host are called Endo-paracites. e.g Lice
●Endo-Parcites:-The paracites which lives inside the body of host are called Endo-paracites. e.g Ascaris, E.coli , liver flukes
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