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Structure and function of human brain

Structure of Human Brain

Human brain is well protected in a cranium cavity, in a skull. The Human brain has 3 membranes called Meninges. The space between the 3 membranes is filled with the fluid called Cerebro-spinal fluid which protects the brain from mechanical shocks.

Brain is divided into three regions
1. Fore Brain:- It is further divided into 3 parts
Cerebrum:- It is the main thinking part of the brain. It is the center of intelligence, Memory, consciousness, willing power and voluntary actions.
Thalamus:- It relays pain and pressure impulses to the cerebrum.
• Hypothalamus:- It controls body temperature and secretion of Pituitary gland.

2. Mid Brain:- It doesn't have any further divisions. It controls reflex movements.

3. Hind Brain:- It has 3 regions

• Cerebellum:-It balances body.

• Pons Verolii:-It connects cerebrum with cerebrum, and transfer messages in between them.

• Medulla:-It controls involuntary activities of body e.g breathing, heart beating etc. Any injury in this part can lead to the death.


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