Excreation:- The process of removal of metabolic wastes from the body of an organism is called as Excreation.
The full fludged system is concerned with the removal for metabolic wastes known as excreatory system.
Here we will descuss Human excreatory system.
In Human beings the excreatory organ is kidney. There are two kidneys in human beings, named as left and right kidney. These two kidneys filter the blood taking wastes out from the blood. The kindneys are bean shaped.
Nephron is the structural and functional unit of kidney.
Renal artery is a blood vessel which supplies blood to the kidney for filteration. The filtered blood is taken to the heart through Renal vein.
Ureter:- Each kidney has a narrow, whitish, tubular struction about 25 to 30cm long called "Ureters" opening in a somewhat pear shaped muscular sac like structure called " Urinary Bladder"
Ureters carry metablic waste "urine" from their respective kidneys to the Urinary Bladder, where it gets temporarly stored for sometime. Than this waste comes out of the body through a canal like structure called urethra running through the pines in males and in felmales ends in vegina from the neck of the urinary bladder.
Note:- The male urethra carries both semen and urine but in females it is only concerned with excreation not for reproduction.
The full fludged system is concerned with the removal for metabolic wastes known as excreatory system.
Here we will descuss Human excreatory system.
In Human beings the excreatory organ is kidney. There are two kidneys in human beings, named as left and right kidney. These two kidneys filter the blood taking wastes out from the blood. The kindneys are bean shaped.
Nephron is the structural and functional unit of kidney.
Renal artery is a blood vessel which supplies blood to the kidney for filteration. The filtered blood is taken to the heart through Renal vein.
Ureter:- Each kidney has a narrow, whitish, tubular struction about 25 to 30cm long called "Ureters" opening in a somewhat pear shaped muscular sac like structure called " Urinary Bladder"
Ureters carry metablic waste "urine" from their respective kidneys to the Urinary Bladder, where it gets temporarly stored for sometime. Than this waste comes out of the body through a canal like structure called urethra running through the pines in males and in felmales ends in vegina from the neck of the urinary bladder.
Note:- The male urethra carries both semen and urine but in females it is only concerned with excreation not for reproduction.
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