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Showing posts from September, 2018

Male reproductive system

Reproduction In Human Beings Reproduction:- It is the biological process in which organisms give offspring for the continuity of race. A complete system is concerned to perform this function called reproductive system. Here we are going to discuss sexual reproduction in Human Beings. As we human beings are diocious i.e male and female sexes are separate Male reproductive system in Human Beings. Testis:- These are the primary sex organs of males, testis produce male sex cells (sperms) as well as male sex hormone testosterone. Testis lie out side the body between the lungs in a muscular pouch called Scrotum.Scrotum maintains the temperature of testis which is below 3℃ than body temperature. Testis are two in number. Alongside the testicles are the  epididymis   and the  vas deferens.  which make up the duct system of the male reproductive organs. The vas deferens is a muscular tube that passes upward alongside the testicles and transports the sperm-...

Structure and function of human brain

Structure of Human Brain Human brain is well protected in a cranium cavity, in a skull. The Human brain has 3 membranes called Meninges. The space between the 3 membranes is filled with the fluid called Cerebro-spinal fluid which protects the brain from mechanical shocks. Brain is divided into three regions 1. Fore Brain:- It is further divided into 3 parts • Cerebrum:- It is the main thinking part of the brain. It is the center of intelligence, Memory, consciousness, willing power and voluntary actions. • Thalamus:- It relays pain and pressure impulses to the cerebrum. •  Hypothalamus:- It controls body temperature and secretion of Pituitary gland. 2. Mid Brain:- It doesn't have any further divisions. It controls reflex movements. 3. Hind Brain:- It has 3 regions • Cerebellum:- It balances body. • Pons Verolii:- It connects cerebrum with cerebrum, and transfer messages in between them. • Medulla:- It controls involuntary activities of body e.g breathing...

Structure and function of Neuron

Neurons (nerve cells) are the functional units of the nervous system.  A typical neuron is divided into three parts i.e Cell body or Soma,Some contains all the cell organelles like Nucleus, Mitochondria etc. Dendrites and Axon. Schwann cells of Axon are covered by Myelin Sheath. Dendrites are branched like structures on Soma. Axon terminal is also branched like structure. The signals are received from neuron by dendrites and are send to next neuron bye chemo-electrical impulses through axon. The junction between the two cells is known as Synapses.In neuron signal travels in the form of chemicals but at synapses in changes in to electrical impulses.

Nervous System in Human Beings

Nervious System In Human Beings Central Nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. The brain and spinal cord are protected by bony structure, membranes and fluids. The brain is held in cranial cavity or Skull. Funtion of Nervous system:- The function of nerous system is to gather information from different parts of body to the brain, where the brain analysis this data and sends message to that particular region/part of the body to take action. Here comes both an internal and external environment of body. Working .. The messages are taken from the site to the brain through neurons and the message from the brain to the site is also carried by neurons. The neurons which take information from the site ti the brain are known as Sensory nervous and the neurons which take information from brain back to the site are know as Motor nervous. Structure and functioning of Neuron  Click Here

Circulatory System in Human Beings

The circulatory system plays very important role in life process of an organism. It is well developed in higher animals like Birds, Reptiles, Mamalas etc. The nutrients from small intestines and oxygen from lungs both are the responsible of circulatory system to reach them each and every cell of the body. Constituents of circulatory system in Human beings 1.  B lood :-   Blood  is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.Blood is composed of Blood cells( Red blood cells and White blood cells) and Plasma. Red blood cells contain Hemoglobin, which is red in colour that is Red blood cell are red in colour it carries oxygen from lungs to cells and carbon dioxide from cell to lungs. Blood runs through veins and arteries in the body. 2. Blood vessels/ Veins  and arteries :-   These are the channels which r...

Respiration in Human Beings

Respiration:-   a process in living organisms involving the production of energy, typically with the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide from the oxidation of complex organic substances. Breathing:- The inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide is called as breathing. breathing is very important for respiration because with out oxygen, cells cannot break glucose molecules to obtain energy from them. Respiratory system Nose is the important organ of respiratory system, we inhale air through nose and it reaches to lungs through Trachea or wind pipe. Lungs are a pair of spongy, air filled organs on the either side of the chest. The main branch  called as Primary Bronchus divides into two branches and enters inti the two lungs one in each. Secondary bronchus arises from the primary bronchus , and tertiary bronchus from secondary. Each lung has 3 lobes        1.Superior Lobe        2.Middle Lobe ...

Absorption of Nutrients in Small Intestines

The digested food is now in simple form and is ready to use by cells. The inner wall of small intestines is called as Mucosa, it has numerous finger like projections called as Villi (singular- villus), which in-turn has finger like projections called as micro-villi. The purpose of villus is to provide large surface area for nutrient absorption. Villi have large network of blood capillaries, where the nutrients are absorbed in blood by diffusion.Most of the nutrients are absorbed in jejunum. except Iron is absorbed in duodenum  vitamin B12 and bile salts are absorbed in the terminal ileum. Through blood digested food reaches to each and every cell of the body.

Digestion process for class 10th

The semi-digested food from stomuch chyme enters into small intestines, where complete digestion of chyme takes place by the action of more enzymes and juices.Small intestines are divided into three parts 1. Duodenum -- forms the first section of Small intestine. Pancreas and liver are connected to this region.These two organs release their juices i.e digestive enzymes and bile respectively. Trypsinogen  and chymotrysinogen are the digestive enzymes released into the duodenum. 2 .The jejunum -- is the middle section of small intestines.It is responsible for the absorption of nutrients from the digested food. 3. Ileum  ---is the last section of small intestines and is connected to the large intestines. This section absorbs the nutrients which were not absorbed by Jejunum. The waste material enters into the large intestine where excessive water is absorbed. Waste material gets collected in a bag like structure called Rectum and than this waste material is thrown ou...

Digestion in Human Beings for class 10th

Digestion As the Human Beings show Holozoic mode of nutrition , theres is a system in Human Beings which Digests this food into the simple molecules called Gollucose. Digestion:- The process in which an organism breaks complex food molecules into simpler once for respiration is called digestion. Q.1 what is need to Digest food?  As the food is in complex form , body cells cannot use it directly so there is a need to change its form from complex to simple one. Digestion in Human Beings Digestion In Human Beings starts from mouth.The cavity inside the mouth is called as Buccal cavity.Buccal cavity contains Teeth and Tongue.In mouth food is broken into small pieces with the help of Teeth and is mixed with saliva secreated by Salivary gland. Saliva contains digestive enzymes called as Salivary Amilase (Ptylin).These enzymes digest food to some extend.Tongue in a mouth helps in mixing food with saliva and is also percieves the taste of the food. The food than enters i...

Photosynthesis for class 10th

● Photosynthesis ( Photo=Light) :-The biological process In which the plants synthesis their own food with the help of SunLight, Carbon Dioxide and water.It is the characteristic feature of plants. Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of plants.where the sunlight is traped by green pigment chloroplast.Carbon Dioxide is taken from Atmosphere through Minute pore On leaves called stomata and water is absorbed by roots from soil and conducted to leaves through xylum to leaves. Oxygen is released after Respiration through stomata. Examine the below Diagram

Hetereotrophic mode of nutrition for class 10th biology

2. Hetereotrophic mode of nutrition:-  In this mode of nutrition organisms obtain their food from other organisms. These organisms are totaly dependent on other organisms for food. e.g Animals,Human beings, Fungi It has following sub types   1. Holozoic nutrition: - In this mode of nutrition an organism englough food and than digest it inside the body. e.g human being , Bird  2. Saprophytic Nutrition:- In this mode of nutrition organisms obtain their food from dead and decaying organic matter. These organisms grow on dead organic matter and screate digestive enzymes on the organic matter to digest it and than absorb the digested food. e.g Fungi (Mushrooms, bread moulds) 3. Paracitic mode of nutrition:- In this mode of nutrition organism takes the digested food of other organism by living on it. E.g Ascaris, E.coli, Tap worm , liver flukes ,lice etc . The organisms showing this type of nutrition are called as Paracites and the organism on which paracite ...

Modes of Nutrition for 10th class

Modes of Nutrition in Organism 1. Autotrophic mode of nutrition:- In this mode of nutrition, organisms synthesize their own food by using simple raw materials from their environment . Examples are Plants , some bacteria, algae and euglina. It has following sub types  Photo-autotrophic Nutrition:- In this mode of autotrophic  nutrition organisms synthesize their own food by using simple raw material from their environment e.g carbon dioxide,water and sunlight. examples are Plants , Algae etc. These organisms have special units in their cell to trap sunlight called as Chloroplast which are green in color. chemo-autotrophic nutrition:- In this mode of nutrition organisms synthesize their food from some chemicals. e.g some bacteria ( sulfur-oxidizing  bacteria , nitrogen-fixing  bacteria ) KEEP LEARNING , KEEP SHINING see the next post for further

Biology Introduction and its branches

͢In  this world we come across with soo many things. we interact with them and want to know about them. so for this purpose study came into existence to know about the hidden features and phenomenon of the world , so called science. Biology is the branch of science in which we study about the living creature/things to obtain the maximum knowledge about them for our benefit. we try to understand our body structure our machinery. we study about different plants and animals to know about their benefits and losses/harmful effects. Main Branches of biology zoology   ⬅️BIOLOGY➡️  Botany              ⬇️                      ⬇️   Deals with the study of Animals       Deals with the study of Plants                                           ...